Holy Shoot. Have you seen the numbers? Ford Motor Company just reported it lost $5.1 billion on its EV business in 2024 and that it will lose $5.5 billion in 2025. (Ford lost $4.7 billion on EV sales in 2023 and $2.2 billion in 2022.) To make matters worse, Ford’s EV sales are dropping. Ford is losing nearly $50,000 per EV sold. But Ford’s internal combustion (IC) vehicles are generating a profit.
Why? Because EV subsidies are disappearing and because the truth about EV mineral use is finally emerging: it takes 6 x’s more minerals to build an EV than an IC vehicles, and the mining of all those minerals is expensive and tears up a lot of environment.
The headwinds for EV’s are getting stronger. A report by Wood Mackenzie predicts that President Trump’s Executive Orders could cut EV sales 28% by 2030. Among other steps, the President’s administration may remove the $7,500 consumer tax credit on electric vehicles or restrict its eligibility further than the Democrat-passed Inflation Reduction Act had planned.
Someone had better tell Governor Shapiro. The Shapiro administration is proud of its installation of EV charging stations, saying the stations represent another step in the Shapiro Administration’s commitment to combatting climate change and providing travelers with transportation options that are cleaner, safer, more affordable, and built by Pennsylvanians. “With every investment in EV infrastructure, we make clean transportation options more accessible for Pennsylvanians,” said PennDOT Secretary Mike Carroll. “These awards will help move us to the next phase of EV rollout.”
The problem with Governor Shapiro’s plan is that the shine is off the apple. We now know that EV’s are not “clean” and they are not affordable. Governor Shapiro’s 2025 Energy Plan is polluted with the notion that windmills, solar panels, and EV’s are “clean” and affordable. But the evidence, from Dunkelfl**ked wind projects, failed solar projects, and Ford Motor Company itself, is proving that Governor Shapiro’s Energy Plan is wildly out of step with reality.